EP.159 The Illusion of Minimal Effort

In this episode, Brian O'Neill shares his observations and beliefs about the stories we tell ourselves that hold us back from starting a business or pursuing our goals. He encourages listeners to evaluate the root of these stories and question whether they are true fears or simply things we've heard from others.

Brian also discusses the industry built around solving self-limiting beliefs and the dream of working minimal hours and making a lot of money. He emphasizes that success in business requires effort and challenges listeners to ask themselves if they are willing to do the work required to achieve their desired life.


  • Evaluate the stories you tell yourself about why you can't pursue your goals and determine if they are true fears or things you've heard from others.
  • Recognize that there is an industry built around solving self-limiting beliefs, but the real problem may be getting out of your own way.
  • Be wary of the dream of working minimal hours and making a lot of money, as success in business requires effort and there are no shortcuts.
  • Ask yourself if you are willing to do the work required to achieve the life you want and be honest with yourself about your commitment.

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