EP.170 The Best Salespeople Never Have To "Sell" & How You Can Learn Their Skills

In this episode, Brian O'Neill discusses the topic of sales and how it doesn't have to be intimidating or uncomfortable. He shares his insights and experiences from his 30-year sales career, emphasizing that the best salespeople don't actually sell.

Instead, they guide and lead prospects to make their own decisions. Brian also addresses common objections in sales, such as money, time, and the need to consult with a partner, and provides strategies for handling them. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding the prospect's current situation, asking the right questions, and showing the value of the product or service being offered.


  • Sales doesn't have to be intimidating or uncomfortable; the best salespeople don't actually sell, they guide and lead prospects to make their own decisions.
  • Understanding the prospect's current situation is crucial in sales; it helps build rapport and tailor the conversation to their specific needs.
  • Common objections in sales, such as money, time, and the need to consult with a partner, can be addressed by showing the value of the product or service and helping the prospect see the cost of not making a change.
  • Sales is about letting people go where they want to go and helping them make a change for the better.
  • Having an abundance mindset and believing that money is everywhere can help overcome objections related to budget constraints.


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